The Friendship Doll, Kirby Larson. This sweet historical fiction story centers around Miss Kanagawa, one of 58 Japanese dolls sent to the United States in friendship. Miss Kanagawa, a beautiful doll with porcelain white skin, jet black human hair and red lips speaks to four different girls throughout the depression years spreading words of friendship and wisdom. Her first girl, Bunny Harnden of New York City in 1928, is angry because President Roosevelt's granddaughter is asked to speak at the doll presentation even though she is the better speaker. Wanting to play a trick on Belle, Miss Kanagawa steers her in a different direction. Next, Lous Brown of 1933, gets the chance to visit the Chicago's World Fair with her Aunt Eunice. She is given a quarter and wants desperately to fly high in the skies on The Sky Ride, but again, the Japanese doll steps in and guides her to a different decision. In 1937, Mrs. Weldon, an old lady hires Willie Mae Marcum to come and read to her, helping the family through tough times since her dad died. Along with Willie Mae, Miss Kanagawa helps lighten up the old lady's disposition, even if temporarily. Finally, she makes her way to Lucy Turner in 1939, when she and her dad leave Oklahoma for California, escaping the dust bowl and poverty.
For the girl with a soft spot for dolls this could be a perfect fit. Remind your reader that the font will change, along with an asterisk, indicating a voice change between the Japanese doll and the girls. A few pages in the back gives more history of how the story came to be.
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