Tuesday, December 30, 2014

See You at Harry's, Jo Knowles. A book for more mature readers because of the content. The story revolves around Fern (Charlotte's Web), the third child of four. Charlie (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), her three-year old brother, lovingly hangs on her, much to her dismay. Her 14-year old brother, Holden (Catcher in the Rye), is coming to grips with his sexuality, while fighting off bullies and avoiding the topic with his family who have already guessed that he is gay. Sara (The Little Princess), the oldest has no time for her family that owns an ice cream restaurant keeping mom and dad much too busy. Tragedy strikes, leaving each family member to deal with it in his/her own way. Ran and Cassie, Fern's best friends remain by her side, when her mother is unable to do so. Slowly, as the family struggles through their tears and heartache, they find one another and hold on tight. Though, their lives will never be the same and all that is left is love, they learn to give it away again. Have a box of tissues handy, as it is an emotionally charged story that will have you feeling the pain right along with them.

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