Circus Mirandus, Cassie Beasley. Micah is on a quest to save his grandfather, Ephraim Tuttle, who lies in bed waiting to die. His great aunt Gertrudis, come to help out, is strict and won't let Micah spend too much time with his grandfather and his crazy circus stories, but on his rare visits with him, Grandfather Ephraim tells Micah that the stories are true and that Micah has to find the get the Lightbender to come and fulfill his long ago promise to Ephraim when he offered him one miracle. Along with his new best friend, Jenny Mendoza, she and Micah, sneak out, find their way to the awesome Circus Mirandus, but without a ticket, they are denied, until Micah realizes he has his quipo, a school project full of perfect knots, that it is accepted as an invitation - much better than a ticket. Making their way through all the dizzying circus acts, they finally find the Lightbender, begging him to come save his grandfather, but it is not as easy as Micah thought. He is directed to Rosebud's little wagon where she gives him a potion to give his Ephraim, which Micah does. Miraculously, he is up and out of bed and he and Micah spend the entire day and night together, much to the chagrin of Aunt Gertrudis. It is a night of enchantment, story telling and memory building. When Ephraim goes to his bed again, Micah learns more about the miracle and who it was truly intended for.
This is a wonderful story by a first time writer. Reminiscent of The Polar Express, written by Chris van Allsburg, this is a story for those that truly believe. Read it and be enchanted.
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